

Altar servers are familiar and also very dear to us. Their service is unique and special during the Eucharistic as well as other liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations and it adds to the solemnity of holy occasions. It is good to have an Altar Servers’ group in every parish so that their service is made available for the Liturgy and Worship.

The Altar Servers’ Association is a fertile ground where vocations blossom. Most of those who are priests today were Altar Servers once. If asked, the majority of them would say, “I am a priest today because I served at the Altar as a boy”.

The Altar Servers, by joining the association, receive guidance and inspiration for their spiritual as well as student life. Therefore it is good for all to encourage our children to join the Altar Servers’ group and help them to come closer to our Eucharistic Lord.

The first Altar Servers Association was formed and founded by Rev. Fr. Vincent Basil, a priest belonging to the Society of Jesus. St. John Berchmans was proclaimed patron saint of Altar Servers by Pope Pius IX, who also gave official approval to this Association. Formerly, only men and boys could serve at the altar but from 1983 the church has allowed local ordinaries to permit girls and women to do so.Teaching children to serve at the Altar with love and devotion and sowing in them the seeds of vocation is its purpose.


It is always nice to see the enthusiasm and interest of the Altar Servers of Sacred Heart Church. Altar Servers association was founded from the beginning of our church building. Over the years, the number of Altar Servers has increased, thus showing the interests of the children as well as their parents. Their service during the feast days and solemnity is great. Every Saturday they gather in the community center mini hall at 5.00 pm, to pray together, to have group activities, to watch religious movie, to shuffle the serving, to get to know the instructions, to get to know Bible as well as to know about their faith.

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