
Pastor's Desk

“The Glory of GOD is man Fully Alive “ – St. Irenaeus.

My Dearly Beloved Parishioners, 

After the long sweltering summer vacation, it’s time to be refreshed and rejuvenated to begin and face yet another year ahead of us. As the Church prepares to celebrate the Jubilee Year in 2025, I, along with my Parish team welcome you to a holistic, spiritual and fruitful year of God experience. I take this opportunity to thank God for each one of you who have been part of the Parish Animation Team which forms the backbone of planning, organizing and executing various creative and innovative events and activities throughout the year for the all-round development and spiritual growth of the Parish

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Sunday Announcements

Heart to Heart Parish Newsletter

Our parish's newsletter, "Heart to Heart," serves as a channel of communication, assisting in the announcement of events and the reporting of information regarding the various initiatives of Sacred Heart Parish, Andheri East. It also serves as a testament to God's wonderful works among us in our parish through the activities of its various cells, groups, associations, and communities. Besides circulation within our parish (one copy per family), the bulletin is also sent to the Dean, Bishop etc. as reports. Spiced with humour, information about good health, professional opinion, interviews with leaders within the Parish, a message from the Parish Priest, articles for spiritual growth, and a Bible Quiz corner for Family, The Heart to Heart is a publication that is released quarterly, around the feasts of Easter, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Nativity of Our Lady and Christmas. Each issue focuses on a theme. The editorial team works within a scheduled timeframe and also takes into consideration the economics of publishing the bulletin.

Sacred Heart Parish Anthem

We’re Sacred Heart parishioners, joining hands together
Sharing our time and talents, caring for one another
Building loving communities, in love we come together
The Father, Son and Spirit, we all worship together

We’re Sacred Heart parishioners, joining hands together
Sharing our time and talents, caring for one another
Building loving communities, in love we come together
The Father, Son and Spirit, we all worship together

With vibrant priests and deacons, and associations
Committed to your mission, filled with zeal and passion
With all our families and friends, as parish we are one
Living in communion, marching with a vision

Parish Website Team


Fr. John Mascarenhas, SVD

Parish Priest

Fr. Edwin Vas, SVD


Fr. Callisto Gomes, SVD


Fr. Sandesh Patil, SVD


Fr. Christi Selvaraj, SVD


Sarita Almeida


Rosita Dias


Rohit D'Almeida
