
The Canossian Sisters derive their name from their Foundress, St. Magdalene, Marchioness of Canossa (1774-1835). She began her Institution in Italy, in 1808 and called the Sisters ‘Daughters of Charity’. They devoted themselves to educate street children, teach catechism and take care for the sick. Magdalene was a pioneer in initiating Non-Formal Education for the poor and her work has spread to the five continents of the world.

The Canossians came to Andheri East in 1963 and transferred their novices here from Belgaum. The attempt of the Sisters and Novices then, to help the slum children of the area ended up in the establishment of an Institution. The tiny seed grew into a big School which is greatly sought after, since good, all round education is given to girls of all castes and creeds. The Catholic girls in particular are helped to imbibe and practice the virtues and teachings of Jesus.

The Novitiate which was part of the Nirmalashram Community is now a separate community within the same campus.

In 1979, a Vocational School had been started in the premises with a view to provide training in various professional courses. It is now updated as Canossa Academy of Skills with Diploma Courses in Tailoring, Fashion Designing and Beautician’s Course.

In 1980 a community was formed in Munshi Chawl at the request of the then Parish priest of Holy Family Parish Chakala, Fr. Frederick Sopena SJ. Here they have been engaged in welfare activities in the families, seeing to their emotional, pastoral and spiritual needs.

Several Sisters have distinguished themselves in the social field by reaching out to poor around. A programme of coaching classes, assisting, feeding and clothing the poor is lovingly undertaken by the Nirmalashram community.

An Alcoholic Anonymous group is running in the Primary School premises for over 25 years.

Today, a community of three Sisters look after street children in Sneha Sadan Home organized by the Jesuits.

The Canossa Ashram is a Holistic Centre where facilities are provided for retreats, seminars and programmes. Sisters also organize and conduct retreats, initiating programmes for Women’s empowerment, Life encounters and the like. Counselling is given when needed.

Several Sisters of our five communities of Sacred Heart Parish give a good slice of their time to parish activities such as lay formation in SCC groups, teaching the faith to children, youth and adults and preparing them for the sacraments. They also guide the Legionaries and Youth Group.

The campus also houses the office and residence of the Provincial Team of the Province of St. Francis Xavier, India-Centre.

Efforts have been made to ‘walk with the times’ to bring about a spring time of renewal and transformation, adding spirit and grace to the vibrant parish. We hope for a better India and a better world.

Canossian Sisters
Mahakali Caves Rd.,
Andheri East,
Mumbai – 400 093

Phone: 0091-022-28353085

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