
Jesus the Real Vine Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group was founded in 1988 based on the Scripture verse John 15:5 “I am the Vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in Me and I in them, will bear much fruit, for you can do nothing without Me”

Jesus the Real Vine prayer group, is the official prayer group of Sacred Heart Church, Andheri East. This group functions under the directives of the Bombay Service Team – Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

Initially, the prayer meetings were held in Holy Spirit Hospital. The prayer group grew in numbers and the venue was moved to the Canossa Convent, Undercroft in the year 1998. We are ever grateful to the support rendered to us by the Holy Spirit Hospital Management and Sisters of Canossa Convent.

Currently the prayer group consists of 900-1000 members who meet every Wednesday at 06.00 pm. The meetings begin with counseling at 04.00 pm, Rosary at 05.30 pm, followed by Praise and Worship, preaching of the Word of God and the healing service from 06.00 pm onwards.

The strong Intercessory Ministry conducted from Monday to Friday is the backbone of the prayer group. The prayer group is known for its youthful evangelical music ministry and an active service ministry.

The ministry conducts Inner Healing and Growth Retreats, Recollections, Life in the Spirit Seminars, Lenten and Advent Missions etc. in various parishes of Mumbai, India and the world over. The ministry specially conducts retreats for Confirmation candidates and Recollections for youth and school children.

Our Vision : To make all men, disciples for Christ.
Our Mission : To reach out and touch the lives of young people and give them a sure foundation based on the teachings of Christ.

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