
Dhyan Kutir, (a meditation cottage) envisages to be an inter spiritual dialogue-point, aware of the desire of Jesus: “may they all be one as we are one” (John 17:11)

We aim at creating a home for seekers of spiritual life and faith, space for solitude and spiritual harmony for people of all religions and a place for contemplation, healing and integration through dialogue, meditative practices, retreats, personal accompaniment, guidance and counselling.

Activities at Dhyan Kutir

  1. Meditative sessions are being given in the evenings of Tuesdays and Thursdays for people of all religions. These meditations are designed to get rid of negative energies that accumulate in our bodies because of tensions, to experience mental and physical relaxation and to realise one’s own true self and God.

  2. Opportunities are given to learn meditation and prayer.

  3. Offering of contemplative Eucharist in which we meditatively celebrate the Mass.

  4. Inter religious spiritual satsangh. These are gatherings of people of all religions to share insights from different faith-backgrounds done in an atmosphere of meditative silence.

  5. Counselling helps are available for those who seek specific helps in psycho-spiritual areas.

  6. Consultation and treatment are given for patients of asthma and allergies.

Dhyan Kutir remains generally open for any one to come and experience the silence and the prayerful atmosphere.

Build a spiritual traffic island where all true seekers of meaning and purpose of life will be welcome to experience God, self and life meditatively in an atmosphere of silence and contemplation.

Sow the seeds of a spirituality that harmonises, unifies and helps build earth family consciousness with a belief that human beings are essentially similar at the core and that all beings are inherently spiritual and interconnected.

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