Our Objectives

To create an abundance of life, we desire that each of our families be a domestic church by living family values. We do this by: Spending quality time together, (eg: being together, praying together.) Respecting each one as a person, especially women in our families. Paying special attention to the youth and senior citizens. The Family Cell helps from this domestic church through workshops and seminars that would include: Parenting skills Youth counseling Reconciliation (at all levels) Gender bias (Sex discrimination, female infanticide) Family counseling. (Enrichment and awareness programs) The family cell promotes pro-life ministries and gives our youth responsibilities. The family participates at the parish level by involving at least one member in any parish-related activity.

We nurture this abundance of life through Faith formation and Service oriented leadership. We do this through: Bible study and its application in daily life. Creative, active participation in liturgies. Spiritual direction for youth. We undertake the above for our own formation; we very specially reach out to those who are leaving the Catholic Church. We also need trained Animators with a clear vision, who will lead an exemplary Christian life. We do this by: Enhance increased participation of the parishioners. (eg: laity involvement in the Administration) Tap talents. Promote voluntary service. Resolve differences. Recognition of those who participate actively in the life of the parish. Incentives to those sharing their expertise and giving of their valuable time. The SCCs ensure that the poor and the marginalized are cared for in the different communities. A Center be created for Social concern and empowerment of the poor and the marginalized at the parish level. In order to enhance the work of the parish carious cells suggested are: Counselling. Legal aid. Health. ALMs, women in crisis, political and civic, justice and peace, senior citizens helpline. The above requires that the Parish team be transparent, accountable, open to suggestions and more involved in the day-to-day problems of the parishioners.

This abundance of life overflows into our building a just and more humane society. We do this by: Actively participating in the political and civic life and our country. Channelizing our funds towards the poor, sick and the needy. Interaction and dialogue with other religions and communities. Involvement in problems associated with society and public related works. For the above need to: Motivate people to a strong political leadership so as to direct our justice and civic initiatives. SCC animators to take our endeavors down to the grass root level. Deepen and appreciated our Indian culture. In the areas of Family, Parish and Neighbourhood the SCCs have a special role. The animators to be trained. More involvement with other organizations. To create civic awareness in their small communities. Conduct inter-communal prayers.