
St. Dominic Savio Complex, Andheri, Mumbai, is a Don Bosco Institution run by the Salesians of Don Bosco, an International Religious Organization founded by St. John Bosco. St. John Bosco was born on the 16th August, 1815 in Italy and later was fondly know as Don Bosco. He started a number of institutions for poor and abandoned youngsters and got the help of many lay volunteers to assist him in his work for these youngsters.

Don Bosco is well known for his Preventive System, an educational method that uses Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness in the education of the young.

St. Dominic Savio Complex consists of:

  1. St. Dominic Savio High School which was established in 1969 and was canonically erected in the same year. The school caters to youngsters from the nursery to the high school
  2. A boarding that specifically caters to youngsters who are orphans, from broken families or of single parent and the very poor.
  3. Prafulta, a Counselling centre that caters to all youngsters and parents for counselling services and career orientation.
  4. Balprafulta, that reaches out to children in need and from the surrounding neighbourhood and bastis and looks into child rights programmes.
  5. Evening Study Classes that caters to poor children of the slums and the neighbourhood and gives them a place for study and recreation in the evenings.
  6. Holiday and summer camps that are organized during the school vacations for children from the surrounding areas and the slums.

Our Mission is to guide our teachers to educate our school children according to the teachings of St. John Bosco; to help our students imbibe standards of excellence in learning; and to develop into honest citizens and good people.

Our Aim is to cater to the children of the boarding, all catholics seeking admission and the children of the locality and to provide stated certified education guided by the principles of the Salesian Preventive System of Don Bosco.

This year there are one thousand six hundred students.
Our Mission is to reach out to orphan and semi-orphan boys, and boys from broken families – and to create a family atmosphere in which they can heal, study, develop their talents and grow into wholesome young men.

Our Aim is to provide a safe and secure atmosphere to our orphan and semi-orphan youngsters; to help them pray, love and support one another; to develop habits of wholesome living; to cultivate skills in self-study, sports, music and culture; and to assist those who have been hurt to heal and flower.

Our Services include facilities for boarding, lodging, schooling, study, recreation, cultural activities, psychological and psycho-spiritual assistance for those who need it.

This year we have eighty boarders.

The classes for the NIOS are no more conducted. However we are still a registered centre for the examinations and students can enroll themselves for the NIOS.

Our Mission is to compassionately reach out to economically disadvantaged school-going youngsters from our neighbourhood and provide them with educational, cultural and recreational facilities thus enabling them to develop into independent and productive citizens of our country and to create a meaningful future for themselves.

Our Focus is to provide underprivileged children with a conducive environment for study; to help them understand, accept and deal effectively with the influences of their environment and take personal responsibility for their lives.

Our Strategies include facilities and coaching in study, sports and cultural activities.

There are about three hundred students who come for the evening study classes this year.

PRAFULTA: Professional Counselling, Remediation and Psychological Services

Our Mission is to provide quality psychological and psychiatric services to help individuals and especially youngsters, group and families move toward optimal, independent functioning and improve their quality of life. We do this in a manner that respects the diversity in the people we serve. As  multi-service centre, we strive to reach out compassionately to serve those in psychological distress.

Our Aim is to help clients understand, accept and deal effectively with the influence of their environment, take personal responsibility for their lives and create a meaningful future for themselves.

Our Services include psychological and psycho-educational assessment; individual, group and occupational therapy; career guidance and remediation of learning difficulties; administration of psychotropic medication; and workshops for parents, educators and students on a variety of emotional, educational and mental health issues. In the past couple of years we have also been training school counsellors.

Our Mission is to provide care, protection, treatment and opportunities for rehabilitation and development to children of all strata of society, especially those hailing from the lower socio-economic and politically disadvantaged strata through the participation of state, marker and civil societies.

Our Focus is on the UN Convention Rights of the Child: Right to education; Right to development; Right to live; Right to health; Right to recreation; Right to protection from all forms of abuse; Right to a nurturing family; Right to participation.

Our Strategies are Community initiatives; Documentation and Research; Training and Networking; and Policy Change.

Rector St. Dominic Savio Boys Home,
Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri East,
Mumbai – 400 093

Tel: 91-022-2821 47 51

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