
SunCats is the name for the Catechism classes held on Sundays and popularly known as Sunday School. The syllabus is progressive in nature and we follow the same under the aegis of the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Archdiocese of Bombay.


We have about 700 students attending regularly.

The total number of catechists is 48

  • Primary : Laity 8
  • Secondary : Laity 16, Religious 7
  • Confirmation : Laity 11, Religious 6

The classes are held as follows :

Primary8.45 – 9.45 amSt Arnold’s High School
First Holy Communion
Confirmation10.00 – 11.30 amMini Hall, Ist floor, Sacred Heart Community Centre

Training and Formation :

The catechists undergo several trainings, formation, recollections etc. and our parish is happy to have catechists who are qualified with the following :

  • Ten Catechists have completed the CTC, (Catechists Training Course), 1yr program, conducted at DPC, Bandra
  • One Catechist has done the Ministry of the Word, 2yr course, conducted at St Pius Seminary, Goregaon
  • Two have done the IMFE, Institute for Ministry of Faith Enrichment, 1yr course conducted at DPC, Bandra
  • Two have done Basics in Liturgy, 6 month course conducted by the Archdiocesan Liturgy team

Faith in Action

The students are encouraged to engage with activities beyond the classroom. We have regular programs for the students such as :

  • Visiting various homes and institutions
  • Participate in the various programmes organized at the Deanery level.
  • Conduct Nativity Novena to Our Lady in September with a daily theme and backdrop.
  • Special talks on important topics.
  • Audio Visual sessions
  • Stations of the Cross for children during Lent
Where to Find us

The SunCats classes are held every Sunday at 8.45am in St Arnold’s school. And then proceed to the church for the special Eucharist for children at 10 am. The Eucharist for children is conducted by one class every Sunday and creatively done with a theme based approach, meaningful skit etc.

The sacraments of Holy Eucharist for students of Std IV and Confirmation for Std XI onwards, are administered every year.

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